Responsible Stewardship

“...humans now occupy or have seriously altered nearly all of the spaces outside our parks and preserves. Each of us carries an inherent responsibility to preserve the quality of earth's ecosystems. When we leave the responsibility to a few experts (none of whom hold political office), the rest of us remain largely ignorant of earth stewardship and how to practice it. The conservation of Earth's resources, including its living biological systems, must become part of the everyday culture of us all, worldwide.”

― Douglas W. Tallamy, Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard

At the Center for Actualized Counseling, we encourage responsible stewardship of our environment.

  • The first step of responsible stewardship; talk about it. Engage with your neighbors, your friends, your family, colleagues. Discuss what role you can play in living more sustainably.

  • Advocacy! The natural world is always in need of those who are willing to advocate for positive environmental change and protection. Contact your local legislative representative and let your voice be heard!

  • Volunteer! Local organizations like Bluewater Baltimore do extraordinary work to monitor water pollution, plant trees, increase native habitat, and otherwise improve the health of the ecosystem in Baltimore region.


    Do you have a yard? Plant native, pollinator-friendly plants in your yard. Every square foot of habitat makes a difference. “Keystone plants” will give you the greatest “bang for your buck” in terms of supporting your local ecosystem.